-Wipes finger along the edge of blog. Results in dusty finger.-
Oops. I think I neglected my blog just a twee bit. :\
I can't honestly say that I had a good reason to be lazy in my bloggy-life. But now I'm back! :D
So my life is finally starting to slow down a bit. HUZZAH! Now that I have free time on my hands, I'm finding myself spending all of it on Facebook and Les Mis. (Speaking of which, I'm finally on Book Two, Pg. 106, and Jean Valjean has finally appeared!)
A lightening-round recap of my life for the past month: we finished our one-act plays about two weekends ago, and they were awesome, although not too many people came to see them... :( ; I made $30 tutoring! ; I spent all that money, plus more, on prom! (Which was totally kick-butt awesome, too.) ; I helped out backstage with my little brother's middle school play (CATS! o.o A ridiculously high-level show for a middle school, but the director is enamored to it so much that he did it anyway... Not a good decision...) ; and my allergies kicked in.
And that about brings you up to speed on my life! Hopefully, I can swing back into the blogging groove and stay there.
Oh, speaking of grooves:
Getting up early: No
Running: No, but I helped garden! :D
Floss: But of course, good sir!