Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy Once More


I finally thought that for once I had gotten rid of all my deadlines, things to do, long-term notices, etc. and could rest in peace.

That didn't last long at all. It left much, much to quickly! I don't have much to complain about, I know, but suddenly I found out I was going to prom in two weeks, got two new roles in a play that starts next weekend, got a job tutoring, and I need to get further ahead in my French class...

Whew. Just putting it all down somewhere helps a lot. At least now I can look back on that whenever I forget my list of things to do.

It'll be a fun, fun last two months of school, that's for sure! :D

Waking early: Non... (Something tells me this goal is gonna be dropped... :P)
Flossing: Oui!
Running: Oui!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Senior Buddy Auction!

Well, today was bundles of fun, and a perfect way to go back to school after Easter!!

Instead of going to school, we actually went to the gym for a fun, out-of-school day! Then again, any day out of school tends to be fun...

Anyways, we had our annual Senior Buddy auction! You basically auction off each of the seniors in the graduating class, and people bid on them, and the highest bidder gets that senior as his buddy to do anything he commands! Mwahaha! The teachers also put up extra credit points, cookies, steak dinners cooked by them, etc. All the money raised goes to homecoming next year! Woot!

So, naturally, I bought a senior for $16, and split him 50-50 with my friend, who'lll take him half the day, me the other half! I know him from drama and stuff, and he's a pretty neat guy. I get to dress him redonculously, he'll bring in boardgames to play during class, buy me lunch and slurpees, etc.

Then we had a bunch of class gainst class competitions. I tied the donut-eating comp. for my class with the seniors. -fist pump- And then we went bowling to raise money for a homeless shelter!

So all-in-all, a good day, and no homework for me!

Getting up early: No...
Running: Yup!
Flossing: Yup!

Monday, April 13, 2009

So... 'Bout Those Resolutions....

I got up at 9:30... I figured I'd let myself sleep in, seeing as I don't get another break from school for eons...

And I ran for the first time since the fall! :D -lifts glass of water- Here's to hoping this is the start of a trend!

Also, I'm going to start flossing religiously (hence, before I go to sleep every day). Hecks to the yeah!

So, for today:

Flossing: Check
Waking up early: No
Running: Check

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaack!


Well... I guess that's all I have to say for today.

Tomorrow I'm starting a new resolution of sorts. I'm gonna start running!


I'm horribly bad at resolutions, so we'll see how that goes. I'm also gonna start getting up at 6 every day! :D I'll update you all to tell you how that's going in a couple days...

I guess all these new resolutions came from this awesome site called 43 Things. It lets you make a list of up to 43 things that you want to accomplsih in your life, short- or long-term! C'est awesome!

That's all for now. Short for a post after a long break, but I'm tired and I need to get up early tomorrow morning! ;)