Sunday, January 30, 2011

Unicorns, Babies, and Cupcakes


It's been 10 days, but I'm back again! So far, it's going better than my other attempt to revive this old blog! :D (Look back about 2 posts. You'll see it.)

And this time, I bring tidings of great joy! Great joy, in this case, is also known as Robot Unicorn Attack!
Once you do indeed begin to play, you can kiss your life goodbye. Trust me.

I discovered this wonderful concoction of flash game, rainbows, dolphins, robots, and unicorns last summer, and as my friends will attest to, I talked of little else for about a week or more. (It may have been up to a month. I don't really remember. The time line gets a little iffy in my brain at that point.)

The reason I'm finally posting this now is that this game recently experienced a revival at my school. I don't know where the heck it came from, but for once, this man was on top of the trend! That's right! I knew what all the cool kids were talking about!

Needless to say, my friends, who had heard all about this game before, suddenly started playing it and now understand my seemingly-insane obsession with robot unicorns. This lovely little picture illustrates the process of addiction pretty well if you ask me.

(This is unfortunately not mine. It belongs to and google for finding it for me.)

And so, dear reader, I now pass this wonderful game on to you. Play it. Love it. Share it. Rainbows forever.

Also, I offer you excuses as to my prolonged absence from The Blog. I've been in the wonderful national capital of Washington D.C. since last Saturday until Tuesday.

Which, in hindsight, doesn't explain my absence until now... But hey!

Once again, I made the voyage to DC for the annual March for Life to support babies everywhere. I love babies.
And while I was there, I was able to stop in to a neat little cupcake store with my friends called Georgetown Cupcakes! (I'm in a promoting mood today, I guess.) The women in my group were quick to inform me that this little cupcakery was well-known to the American TV-viewing public as the star of the show DC Cupcakes. I didn't so much care for that, but the cupcakes were, indeed, DEEEEElicious!

My favorite had to be the peanut-butter chocolate lava fudge cupcake. That's right.


You couldn't name a cupcake anything more delicious than that!

For a bit I was afraid I was doomed to become somewhat of a cupcake snob because of my experience, but yesterday, this was quickly banished by my consuming a half dozen funfetti cupcakes with dark blue frosting at a friend's birthday party. I guess my tummy simply can't resist the wonders of a mini cake in a wrapper.

And so, reader, I must leave you. Enjoy the unicorns and go find yourself a cupcake to eat (preferably funfetti to match the rainbows!) but don't go too crazy, alright?

À bientôt!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello World!

First of all, let me just say that this blog no longer deserves to be continued.

Second of all, let me inform you that it is now being resurrected!

And the congregation said:


That's right folks, Orange Oreos is back in business!

(And this time, I plan to keep it that way, unlike a certain other post that came right before this one two years ago. I swear I'll do my best!)

A lot has happened in these past two years: girlfriend, plays, musicals, camping, roller coasters, Phineas and Ferb, Dungeons and Dragons... These are a few of my favorite things, and they sum up the in-between post time pretty nicely.

Oh yes, and there's also the every-lovely college application process and standardized testing. How on earth could I forget that? Yours truly hopes to go off to school somewhere to study something or other come fall, and unfortunately, the institutions at which he wishes to continue his studies make him go through the torturous process of college and scholarship applications.

Thankfully, all of that is (mostly) done. All I have to do now is wait out the next few months and hope for a few big, fat envelopes in the mail. Wish me luck!

Hopefully, you'll be hearing a lot more from the Orange Oreo from this point on. You might even call it a late New Year's resolution. You can thank my brother for starting his own 365-blog and reminding me about this forlorn little place.

Peace and cookies,
