Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello World!

First of all, let me just say that this blog no longer deserves to be continued.

Second of all, let me inform you that it is now being resurrected!

And the congregation said:


That's right folks, Orange Oreos is back in business!

(And this time, I plan to keep it that way, unlike a certain other post that came right before this one two years ago. I swear I'll do my best!)

A lot has happened in these past two years: girlfriend, plays, musicals, camping, roller coasters, Phineas and Ferb, Dungeons and Dragons... These are a few of my favorite things, and they sum up the in-between post time pretty nicely.

Oh yes, and there's also the every-lovely college application process and standardized testing. How on earth could I forget that? Yours truly hopes to go off to school somewhere to study something or other come fall, and unfortunately, the institutions at which he wishes to continue his studies make him go through the torturous process of college and scholarship applications.

Thankfully, all of that is (mostly) done. All I have to do now is wait out the next few months and hope for a few big, fat envelopes in the mail. Wish me luck!

Hopefully, you'll be hearing a lot more from the Orange Oreo from this point on. You might even call it a late New Year's resolution. You can thank my brother for starting his own 365-blog and reminding me about this forlorn little place.

Peace and cookies,



  1. Huzzah for bringing this back! It'll be good to (hopefully) see your words on a more regular basis. ^^

  2. I'm looking forward to your posts! I'm blogging for 30 days, and I like it. I just revamped my 2 blogs, so go check em out! 2011 is the year of the blog! I declare!
