Monday, March 2, 2009

Looks Like This is the Last Post for a While

So guess what guys?

I think I'm going to give up the internetz for Lent! o.o

I've wanted to do this for a couple years now, but I've never really thought I could do it, but now I figure I might as well try, no?

So this might be the last post for quite sometime... I might give myself a break every Sunday to drop a few lines! :P

Naturally, I need it for French class and e-mail, so I'll let myself check those, but that's all! If you really need to tell me something, drop some mail to

I'll see you all later! Au revoir!


  1. I'm giving up cursing. We'll see how that goes. I admire you for your restraint! I don't think I could keep away for 40 days.

    See you on Easter! :-D

  2. Ay, that's quite the give-up! Good luck with it... although, does this mean we'll have to put off our "project" until much, much later? Or how will the whole IM thing fit into this? Perhaps I'll just have to tackle you more vigerously than usual when you make your Sunday appearances...

  3. =O. omg really. I couldnt go without the internet, I would miss you all to much. Good luck =).

  4. yeah I work online, so no go for me.. but I have made an effort to get house and family matters accomplished first, before I get on for pleasure.
    See you after Lent then!
