Thursday, February 19, 2009


Here's a doodle I drew on my right arm in some class today. ( I forget which one...)

I'm pretty happy with it, considering I don't know what it is (some monkey/bear cross?), it was inspired by a scribble, and I drew it with my left hand!!! Hooray for ambidextrousness!


  1. Haha! Double yay for ambidextrousness! And that is quite the doodle... someone was bored today, wasn't he? =) (And I think it more looks like a bear with a very-very-long-snake, standing on its head, on its back, if you ask me. I know, you didn't, but in the event that you were considering asking me)

  2. yay! I'm left handed too!! looks like a mouse lol and there goes g2 being herself again. lol love ya g2.

  3. Gah! Lemur! Yes! I'll call him Zaboomafoo!

    (And I'm not left-handed, Blu. XD Hence why I was proud of being able to draw that with my left hand, seeing as I would normally mess up.)

  4. @ blu: Hey! I heard that! :D
    And now that I think about it, I do believe it makes a better lemur than a bear-acrobatic-snake.
