Monday, February 16, 2009


That means dazzling in French!

My day wasn't too bad today, but not quite something I would call dazzling. Just a regular day at school, with a slightly lower homework load... I got chastised today for not keeping up with my online French course, too. XP

We had an interesting discussion in Religion class today, though. It was about if looking at a person's actions and judging that action is okay if judging a person's overall level of good or evil isn't okay. This may sound really boring and everything, but it was really quite intense... I want to start a debate club at my school now! :D

Oh well, that'll have to wait until another day... -yawn- I think it's high time for a nap...


  1. Tu devrais practiquer, monsieur...

    (Pardon any misspellings, I haven't written in French in an age!)

  2. Don't we judge people's overall goodness or badness by what their actions anyway? What's the difference?

    I'm lost...
    Anyway, keep studying!
