Saturday, February 21, 2009

Woot, Woot!

Guess WHAT?!?!?!

I got my own, unabridged copy of Les Mis today! -does very happy dance-

And I'm going to a party!!! -gets ready to dance-

And there's 8 inches of snow on the way!!!!! -does snow dance in hopes of a now day Monday-

And I got to sleep in today! -dances because he has energy-

And I feel like I want to get things done! -stops dancing to finish homework, clean room, and make card-



  1. I am wishing for a snow day too... so much snow! Have fun at your party and I have no idea who or what Les Mis is but I'm it or they are good, lol.

  2. Yay for the Les Mis, yay for the snow, yay for the party, and yay for all the frickin energy!
    -tries do dance but fails, b/c g2 can't dance and b/c it's quarter of midnight... too far past 9:70-
