This spiffalicious garland I got from Ana! Thank you! I got mentioned by an awesome blogger and writer in her blog! How awesome is that?
And in other news...
My sickness is nearly gone! Huzzah! All that's left now is this dastardly runny nose... Hopefully, it'll go away soon, as in before tomorrow when I have to get up early for school once more... Please, Mr. Cold? 'Kay thx.
Well, that's about all I have to say for today. I'll leave off with a quote:
"Will I lose my dignity?
Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow
From this nightmare?"
- "Will I?"
Song from Rent
Hopefully, no one feels this way today. I don't know why, but this touched me today, that someone could feel lost and forgotten in the busy turmoil of the world. It's just sad that some people don't feel like as if they have their human dignity sometimes...
Just something to think about as the day goes on...
I feel stripped of my comforts, lost, alone, now after reading that.. thanks a lot...ORANGE!