Friday, February 6, 2009

And I Did Get to See the Movie!!! Yeah!


I got to see Coraline on opening night! And it was worth every penny.

C'est un beau film!

It was one of the best movies I've seen in a while, but I may be a wee bit biased, seeing as I love Selick, stop-motion, and the novel it's based on...

But really, I highly recommend it.

Strangely, for a PG movie (a dying species, it seems) it was very older person based... Kinda dark for little kids...

And there was some sort of strange, creepy music in another language, which wasn't really creepy but sort of sadly happy... o.o In other words, it was awesome.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...

Here's one dude that will buy the DVD once it comes out! :D


  1. Wasn't it awesome?! Did you see it 3-D? We did and it was stunning.

  2. Oh yeah, 3-D all the way! Dorky glasses and everything! lol
    It was absolutely beautiful in 3-D.
